Sri Bhaini Sahib

Official website of central religious place for Namdhari Sect

Matrimonial Profile

Jasbir Singh
Single, Male
Age: 32 years
Height: 166.0cm
(F)Babra, (M)Babra
Other important details:
Name: Jasbir Singh Date of Birth: 1992 Age: 30 Occupation: Architect and Owner of a Shoe Store Location: Rajpura, Punjab Bio: I am pleased to present the bio data of my esteemed brother-in-law, who is an accomplished architect and a successful entrepreneur. Born in 1992, he embodies the perfect blend of modern professionalism and traditional values. His humble nature and down-to-earth personality make him a remarkable individual to know and cherish. Professionally, he has made significant contributions to the field of architecture and has garnered praise for his creative designs and attention to detail. His expertise lies in translating clients' visions into magnificent structures that stand the test of time. Additionally, he is the proud owner of a renowned shoe store in Rajpura, Punjab, where he has established a reputation for quality and customer satisfaction. Despite his professional accomplishments, my brother-in-law remains grounded and maintains strong family values. He upholds the Sikh principles of simplicity, humility, and compassion in all aspects of his life. His commitment to vegetarianism aligns with his belief in leading a pure and respectful lifestyle. We are currently seeking a suitable life partner for him, and we welcome alliances from families who share similar values and beliefs. We believe that a simple and sober Sikh girl would be an ideal match for him. Dowry is not a requirement, as we firmly believe in promoting equality and harmony in marriages.
Blood group: A +ve
Rajpura, Punjab, India
Phone no: 8548033333
Preferred Education:
Preferred Range of Age: No
Preferred Range of Height: No
Preferred Residential Area:
Other Preferrences: