Sri Bhaini Sahib

Official website of central religious place for Namdhari Sect

With the blessings of Sri Satguru Uday Singh ji, Venue for Annual Vidayak Sammellan 2015 has been shifted to SIRDA GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS Vill Naulakha, NH - 21, Sundernagar, Distt Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, Dates 19, 20 21 & 22 June 2015.

21 May 2015

With the blessings of Sri Satguru Uday Singh ji, Venue for Annual Vidayak Sammellan 2015 has been shifted to SIRDA GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS Vill Naulakha, NH - 21, Sundernagar, Distt Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, Dates 19, 20 21 & 22 June 2015.